We inform you that this website uses cookies to analyze user browsing. These files are installed on the computer from which you access this website for the purposes described on this page.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. . Only the team that installed it will be able to read its content, which, on the other hand, will be anonymous.

Even if they are installed on your hard drive, as they are only text or numbers, they are not capable of accessing personal information on your computer by themselves, nor of transmitting viruses, they only track browsing on a website.

What does this website use cookies for and what are they?
This website only uses cookies that are strictly necessary for it to function correctly.

Who uses cookies on this website?

The identification of who uses the cookies, the type of cookies used and other details, is indicated below:


– Description: This cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user’s consent for cookies.

– Type: necessary, technical, functional.

– Duration: 1 year.


– Description:

– Type: necessary, technical

– Duration: 48 hours.

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– Belonging to the security plugin that we use on this website. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the page.

– Duration: 15 days.

– Type: technical, functional

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– Cookies corresponding to the Security Suite of this website, used to prevent malicious access and prevent viruses and malware.

– Duration: 24 hours

– Type: technical, functional


– It corresponds to the WhatsApp button that appears at the bottom of the page. It is a counter of visits of the user to the website to control when to show the chat window. It increases with each visit. It does not store any type of personal information.

– duration: persistent

– Type: technical, functional


– Cookie used by the plugin to display the Whatsapp button and store the actions performed by the user on the website.

– duration: persistent

– Type: technical, functional


– Cookie used by the plugin to display the WhatsApp button, specifically to know what country the user is from in order to function correctly.

– duration: persistent

– Type: technical, functional

Note: “Own” type cookies are used only by the owner of this website and “Third Party” cookies are also used by the service provider that is detailed in the previous table.

You can find out about the transfers to third countries that, where appropriate, are carried out by the third parties identified in this cookie policy in their corresponding policies (see the links provided in the “More information” section of the previous table).

Social network cookies: Social network cookies may be stored in your browser while you browse this website, for example, when you use the share button on a social network.

Next, you have information about the cookies of the social networks that this website uses in its own cookie policies:

Facebook cookies, see more information in its cookie policy.
Twitter cookies, see more information in its cookie policy.
Instagram cookies, see more information in its cookie policy.
YouTube cookies, see more information in its cookie policy.
Linkedin cookies, see more information in its cookie policy.

How can I deactivate or eliminate these cookies?

You can allow or block cookies, as well as delete your browsing data (including cookies) from the browser you use. Consult the options and instructions offered by your browser for this. Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser options.

Below are the links with the information to manage the cookies of the most used browsers.

Explorer: o-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer
Microsoft Edge:
Other browsers: consult the documentation of the browser you have installed.

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

If you wish to reject Google Analytics analytical cookies in all browsers, so that your information is not sent to Google Analytics, you can download a plug-in that performs this function from this link:

Exercise of rights

You can find out about and exercise your rights in terms of data protection by accessing our Legal Notice – Privacy Policy.


The owner of this website can modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, therefore Users are advised to visit periodically.

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