Development and elaboration of Renewable Energy projects
We develop and prepare renewable energy projects: photovoltaic plants, wind plants, hydraulic energy. All this based on the design, improvement and innovation of the environmental and energy sector.
Processing of Administrative and Construction Authorizations
Our team specialized in relations with the Public Administration processes the Administrative and Construction Authorities necessary for the execution of projects.
Green Hydrogen
The Green Hydrogen is a key energy vector for the development of an energy model that ensures the objective of “zero emissions”. This fuel could transform transportation in the coming years. We develop Green Hydrogen projects at RTB.
Analysis and feasibility of Projects
We have a specialized and multidisciplinary team that previously evaluates projects and allows us to know their viability, establishing the strategic lines to develop them.
Project Execution
Not only do we analyze the viability of renewable energy projects, but we also carry out the execution of projects with quality and professionalism as the main elements.
Energy Storage
Efficient energy storage is a fundamental pillar of the energy transition: it allows us to make the production of renewable energy more flexible and guarantee its integration into the system.
Self-consumption Projects
We carry out projects of self-consumption of renewable energies, both private and for industrial consumption.
Construction Management and Supervisions
We supervise and direct the works and project installations.
Due Diligence
We carry out Engineering and Environmental Due Diligence, which allow us to identify the risks that may arise from a purchase-sale operation, in order to obtain information that allows the potential investor to evaluate the impact of said risks and, consequently, the decisions that they should be taken to minimize them.
Urban Qualifications
We carry out the projects and manage with the different Administrations the urban qualifications necessary for the development of the projects.
Declaration of Public Utility
We manage the Declaration of Public Utility, which is the administrative recognition that assumes that a project has a purpose of general interest.