preparation of environmental impact studies

Studies and Processing of Environmental Impact Statements

The objective of this study is to prevent, reduce and restore Impacts to the environment, as well as the management of works, facilities or constructions to avoid or reduce the negative impact on the environment. We also carry out the necessary procedures and follow-ups for the Environmental Impact statements.


environmental procedures, AAU, AAI, Abbreviated EIA, simplified EIA

Other Environmental Procedures

AAU, AAI, Abbreviated EIA, Simplified EIA, etc.

environmental monitoring

Environmental Surveillance Plans

We carry out different measurements of indicators that allow us to protect the environment during the execution and service phase of the different projects, such as works, installations of solar, wind or hydraulic power plants.

studies, synergies, environment, environmental impact

Preparation of Synergistic Studies

We evaluate the environmental impacts when several projects concur simultaneously in a specific environment.

bird watching, bird migration

Preparation of Studies and Birds Monitoring

These studies allow us to know and evaluate what species exist in the environment in which a project is to be carried out, evaluating their suitability and establishing, if necessary, the measures that mitigate their construction. The monitoring of existing or built infrastructures allows us to know and mitigate the possible impacts that have been generated by the infrastructure.

mammalian studies, herpetology studies, snakes, Iberian peninsula, Spain

Mammal Studies and Herpetology

We have several experts on staff to carry out Mammal and Herpetology studies, integrating them into environmental assessments.

study, chiropterans, bats

Chiroptera Studies

Chiroptera studies allow us to know and evaluate the impacts of the projects on these species.

improvement of habitats, fauna, flora, environment

Habitat Improvement

Habitat improvement is key to ecosystem restoration. It is necessary to assess the threats and promote their conservation.

hunting management plans, hunting, private hunting ground, hunting ground

Hunting Management Plans

We study, analyze and draft Hunting Management plans, with the guarantee of achieving optimal management of resources, avoiding alterations in the ecosystem.

landscape impacts

Integration and Landscape Impacts Studies

RWe carry out the studies that integrate the landscape in the policies of territorial and urban planning and in its policies in cultural, environmental, agricultural, social and economic matters, as well as in any other policies that may have a direct or indirect impact on the landscape.

biodiversity, domestic plants

Biodiversity Jobs

The objectives are: to study, understand, conserve and use in a sustainable way the genetic diversity of domesticated plants and their wild relatives, including the evolutionary processes that generate and maintain them, to strengthen forest and food production in a socially just way and friendly with the environment.

studies, flora, vegetation

Flora Study

We carry out flora studies and evaluate the possible impacts of projects on it.

floods, flood studies, river overflow, overflowing river

Hydrological Studies

The purpose of a hydraulic study is to determine the behavior of the water in the channels, as it passes through the area under study, in addition to establishing the usual regime of maximum rainfall and the characterization of the territory.

acoustic studies, noise, noise measurement

Acoustic Studies

The objective of the acoustic study is the analysis of the noise generated by the facilities of a facility and its infrastructures, both inside it and to the environment; From which the necessary information will be obtained to carry out a series of improvement proposals in the field of Acoustics that reduce sound levels.

archaeological follow-ups, follow-ups archaeological excavations, archeology works, excavations works

Archeology Projects and Archaeological Monitoring in Work

We carry out archeology projects: prospecting, preliminary work, excavation, documentation and analysis of the objects found. We carry out Archaeological Surveys on the ground, in order to reduce the impact and to guarantee its correct performance.

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